Dress Assistant logo

Make a trip to the inside of your wardrobe.
Organize, remember, experiment and play
with all your clothes and accessories
Add the new purchases and combine everything.

Frequently Asked questions

How many pieces of clothing can I handle with Dress Assistant?

The application was designed to optimize database and images utilization, so there is virtually no limit. Typically a user has some hundreds or a thousand items.

Which is the best way to photograph my clothing?

The webcam is the fastest way. If you want better images you can use a digital camera and drag and drop the images.

Can I sync my desktop version with my iPhone version

If you have the Mac version you can export to "On Web" and then with your iPhone you can import from "On web".

Can I export from the iPhone to "On web" or sync with my Mac version?

No, To have the best performance, the iPhone version use a reduced version of the database. If you have both versions it is recommended to use the Mac version as the main version and the iPhone version for "On the go"

What is "On Web"?

"On web" is a service that allows you to upload your wardrobe to our server and access to it with Safari. You can export to "On web" with the Mac version only. (See terms.)

Is Dress Assistant compatible with Windows 7?

Dress Assistant for Pc was designed for Windows XP ,Windows Vista and Windows 7. It is not recommended for older Windows versions.

I have a license for version 3.8 will I have a free update to version 4.0?

Yes. The free update and the demo will be released in a few days.

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